Just_NOK Brand

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Giving-Back; a pillar in personal growth

Community support is one of the little ways of putting a smile on the faces of the deprived and poor, and our brand has community support as one of its pillars. We believe in the fulfillment that accompanies support, and in our way, we present our hand and support to some people.

As we all know, the world gives us various shades of life, but no one ever dreams of growing up in an orphanage or living as a street urchin. As they say, life happens in the way it chooses to happen, but we can take a little time to lend a helping hand to the needy.

How? By giving educational, food, and even shelter support to any needy in your community as we did.

Supporting education and feeding of the less-privilege

In agreement with our brand’s pledge to community support, our global team has visited with several schools and organizations helping through different initiatives. With the resumption of the academic session, we’ve donated back-to-school packages to the children at various orphanages. our goal at these initiatives is to provide packages containing books and writing materials along with food supplies and toiletries.

No matter the situation a child finds, basic food and education are essential. Thankfully, the orphanage has a school within its premises to cater to the academic needs of these children. With this in place, donating books, writing materials, and food was easy for us, and it felt good seeing the smiles on the children’s faces.

While interacting with the children, they all spoke about their different ambitions and passions. It felt so good knowing that little efforts help ease the otherwise daunting situations while enhancing the learning experiences of these little children. 

How this support helped our health

The lingering effects of 2021, raised awareness to the need for good health an a healthy life. This heightened awareness created a need to help find easy ways to promote health. Prior to launching the JUST-NOK brand, we made a pledge to be part of the community and do our part in providing solutions to a sector of any community struggling. We started with providing food to the needy and have slowly incorporated providing books and school supplies to orphanages. it definitely feels priceless and great putting smiles on the faces of these vulnerable and poor communities. 

Benefits that come with helping

  • Increased Self-worth. We couldn’t help but notice our increased self-worth because people had meals on their tables. The satisfaction from their smiles of gratitude and their prayers of appreciation kept our spirits high for most weeks.

  • Improved mood. Similarly, Laughter is medically said to reduce stress hormones and increase immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies because laughter releases endorphins, the body's natural good-feeling chemicals. Additionally, Endorphins promote a general sense of well-being and can temporarily relieve aches.

  • Satisfaction from helping. The world is ours, and a little act of kindness makes a difference; it makes the world a better place for the less-privilege. 

As an organization, we’ve discovered the joy that accompanies charitable acts. Join us in sharing laughter with the less privileged as we balance being creative with creating a change for others.