Choosing Sustainable Fashion: A Means To Protecting The Animal Kingdom

Global development has connected continents, increased trade, and expanded communication; these advancements have spilled into the animal kingdom, merging the two eco-systems in a way never before felt. The animal kingdom has now been challenged to be ever-evolving to adapt to the modern world. As concerns grow about the dangers of global warming and the impact fast fashion has on the environment. The choice for sustainable fashion has never been more relevant, and the need for reusable products to minimize the effects on our precious environment. The choice for sustainable fashion to protect the planet and all its inhabitants should be an easy one. Animals are not only incredibly diverse and beautiful, but they are also intelligent creatures. These creatures have evolved through generations and epitomize the words resilience, survival, and strength. We work hard to be environmentally conscious as a business and develop products with sustainability, community, and animal welfare at the heart of what we do…

Sustainable fashion and the animal kingdom

Photo: the wild is home to many

…It may take some time to fully acknowledge the impacts and implementation of our environmentally conscious resolve, but we believe in first steps, awareness, and actions.

Fast Fashion & Pollution

So, what are the impacts fast fashion has on the planet. First, clothing is now accepted as readily disposable. Many people buy cheap items online and throw them away after they’ve worn them a couple of times. This damaging approach to fashion is contributing to pollution and global warming. Second, the western world generates a staggering amount of textile waste, with the average family throwing away 30kg of clothing every year! About 15% is recycled or donated, and sadly the rest ends up in a landfill site. When you consider that most synthetic fibers, such as polyester, are non-biodegradable and can take around 200 years to decompose fully, you can quickly realize how fast fashion contributes to environmental pollution.

While this is bad enough, many fashion brands also use chemicals during the manufacturing process. Toxic chemical components can easily spill into water sources and pollute rivers, streams, and seas. This can put both human and animal life at risk. In fact, the heavy use of chemicals in cotton farming causes premature death among cotton farmers and mass water pollution, sparking outbreaks of diseases.

Lastly, we come to global warming. Well, the fashion industry as a whole generates a significant among of greenhouse gasses due to the energy needed during the manufacturing and shipping process. As demand grows for throw-away clothing and accessories, more greenhouse gasses are produced, speeding up global warming and destroying the planet.

(1) According to recent data; the global fashion industry is responsible for 10% of annual global carbon emissions, more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined. Suppose consumers fail to become environmentally conscious and don’t choose sustainable fashion brands over those who value profit margins over the planet. In that case, by 2030 the fashion industry’s greenhouse gas emissions will surge to more than 50%.

The Evolution: Industrialization into The Animal Kingdom

(2) If you care and believe that Earth isn’t just a concept but a home, one that is inhabited not only by humans but Plants and animals, then you are keenly aware of the need for its preservation for both humans and the animal kingdom. This awareness should inspire a willingness to support the minimalist movement and shop with sustainable fashion brands. Brands that educate, create awareness, and incorporate little steps and techniques into their processes to better the environment. Yes! Developing brands can’t fully optimize and implement all the changes to the process as they would like, but they still provide awareness of the dangers old thought processes can generate. While fast fashion is causing a detrimental impact on the environment, our digital-first world also influences how animals live. As intelligent creatures, animals adapt to changes in their habitats and become resilient to survive. While the animal kingdom is undoubtedly a tough place to be, against all odds, animals can use creativity and self-awareness to survive.

Several animals have found themselves suffering from deforestation due to widespread logging, and their habitats quickly disappearing. However, some have found ways to adapt to this ongoing problem by using the timber roads instead of navigating the more challenging treetop canopies. As an endangered species persist, it is remarkable to see how these animals make the most of their new environment and find ways to survive, despite such difficulties. An example of the ingenuity of animals is manatees keeping warm by locating power plant underwater pipes. Prolonged cold weather can be fatal to these gentle giants, but they have learned to avoid the cold by staying close to warm water pipes from steam-generation units.

(3) A report recently found that rising ocean temperatures and changing sea currents are causing leatherback turtles to travel further than ever before to lay their eggs. After laying their eggs on the shore, turtles need to travel to calmer waters to feed, but their journey is now double in length due to climate change.

Our Mission is To Provide awareness

At JUST_NOK, we empower the public to choose minimalism and sustainable fashion over the current throw-away culture. Environmentally conscious and community-oriented, we believe in creating high-quality minimalism fashion and valuable accessories. We’ve put thoughts behind our designs, and every piece has a story, a message and should invoke a feeling. Elevate your every day by shopping with a brand that works hard to address real-world problems with functional design and strategic innovation. Rather than choose the cheapest item online to add to your wardrobe, consider investing your money with a brand on a mission to give back to the community and support the environment. Based on NOK Culture, which is thought to have existed before ancient civilizations and was world-renowned for iron smelting and craftsmanship across West Africa, our brand wants to work with nature, not against it. Each piece we design and create must be functional, beautiful, and carry meaning.

Paying Homage Through Designs: Our Nature-Awareness Animal prints

We salute the survivalist nature, resourcefulness, and understanding these majestic animals have imposed throughout generations. Our artistic rendition of animal faces on our t-shirt under our “Nature-Awareness” line of clothing displays just a few of nature’s purest survivors. Our adaptation infuses the brand’s subtle African flare with the modern lines extracted from an ever-evolving industrial world built on the canvas of these uninfected survivors within the animal kingdom. We hope to provide some critical insights into these majestic animals and include them in our Nature-Awareness line within our brand. Stopover at our store and rep your animal. Some fun facts about our first list of animals

  • Lions are big eaters and hunt during storms; the male lions’ magnificent manes tell a story.

  • Eagles are among the most flexible and opportunistic foragers; they are monogamous, and each has different preferences for its nest altitude.

  • Elephants communicate through vibrations, and Their trunks have mad skills.

  • Foxes have whiskers on their legs and face, which help them navigate, and are they can be highly playful.

  • The name “leopard” comes from the Greek word leopardus, which is a combination of Leon (lion) and Pardus (panther)

  • Tigers love to swim and play in the water and are the largest amongst other wild cats.

  • Horses have lightning-fast reflexes and have a nearly 360-degree field of vision.

    Our online nature collection is focused on the animal kingdom and celebrates how wild animals are born survivors and essential to evolution. We have chosen to feature lions, eagles, rhinos, leopards, tigers, hawks, elephants, and horses, along with pets such as dogs and cats on our t-shirts, with more additions to come. Constantly learning, adapting, and becoming resilient to the modern world, we want to encourage our customers to be part of something much more significant than simply buying a new top. Be part of a global conversation regarding change!

Giving Back: Because We Make our Community

The JUST_NOK brand has chosen to partner with non-profit organizations both regional and overseas in helping uplift communities struggling with healthcare, basic necessities, and economic instability.

We believe that as a brand, we may not be able to solve everyone’s problems, but the one child or family that we connect with is enough to begin the ripples of change. When you invest in a new wardrobe essential, we will provide essential items for communities. We believe in consistency and know big or small; every positive action can change a mindset, can inspire a movement, and can be that step needed to propel one to their goals

Feel free to discover our online collection of t-shirts and watch out for more animals included under our Nature-Awareness line, each designed to celebrate the ingenuity of the animal kingdom. When you shop at our JUST_NOK store, you are supporting a better future for the planet and all its inhabitants, and that is a fashion statement to be proud of!


Giving-Back; a pillar in personal growth


Building a brand in a Pandemic