Just_NOK Brand

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Orphanage Visit (Jun-Oct 2021)

Community support is one of the little ways of putting a smile on the faces of the deprived and poor, and our brand has community support as one of its pillars. We believe in the fulfillment that accompanies support, and in our way, we present our hand and support to some people.

The world sometimes hands us various shades of experiences, but no one ever dreams of growing up in an orphanage or living as a street urchin. But, as they say, "life happens in the way it chooses to happen," and we can take a moment to lend a helping hand to the needy.

How? By giving in any form, and no matter how minor, your assistance can help with education, food, and even shelter support to those in need within your communities.

We support education and fed the less-privilege

In agreement with our brand's pledge to community support, our team in Nigeria visited the St. Anthony's Destitute Centre in Uyo. Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria. With the resumption of a new academic session, we thought it necessary to donate back-to-school packages to the children at the orphanage. We gave packages containing books, writing materials, food supplies, and toiletries.

No matter the child's situation, basic food and education are essential. Thankfully, the orphanage has a school within its premises to cater to the academic needs of these children. With this in place, donating books, writing materials, and food was easy for us, and it felt good seeing the smiles on each child's face.

The children all spoke about their different ambitions and passions; regardless of their current situation, they had a dream that was not limited by their present condition. It felt rewarding knowing that our little efforts would help add a step or two in supporting and contributing to their dreams.

Are there gains from giving back to your community?

Here are the benefits that come with helping another.

  • Increased Self-worth. We couldn't help but notice our increased self-worth because people had meals on their tables. The satisfaction from their smiles of gratitude and their prayers of appreciation kept our spirits high for most weeks.

  • Improved mood. Similarly, Laughter is medically said to reduce stress hormones and increase immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies because Laughter releases endorphins, the body's natural good-feeling chemicals. Additionally, Endorphins promote a general sense of well-being and temporarily relieve aches.

  • So, when you give, you also receive a priceless gift of happiness, and you shop with us; you are making another smile.