International Women's Day: Girls school initiative (Feb/March 2022)

As part of our brand's commitment to giving occasional support to our community, not fewer than 200 girls benefitted from our monthly outreach. 

Seeing that it was the month where women across all works of life and the continents converge in their groups to celebrate International women's day.  With this in mind, we thought it reasonable to impact the lives of some students in the senior secondary of Nsit Peoples Grammar School, Afaha Offiong, Nigeria.

This month's visit featured health talk sessions on female-related topics and proper sanitary hygiene. The JUST-NOK global team also held motivational conversations with the girls, and shared life and career tips to guide them as they transition into a higher phase of life. 

We donated 200+ sanitary towels to the girls, understanding that these are essential needs, and sometimes, they may be unable to buy one. our goal “Try a little kindness” Like the Glen Campbell song, No matter how difficult it is in your corner, “shine the little light” you have; it might just be the trail of light someone needed in their dark times. 

So, explore our line of value-based products, and help the sun to shine in someone's sky today. 


School supply drive (May 2022)


Book drive (Jan 2021)